Do you already live ...

... like you´re your best friend?

"Being your own best friend means accepting yourself as you are, not making yourself small to please others and - no matter what - standing up for yourself. If we are loving towards ourselves, we can also be loving towards others and relationships succeed better. It all starts with us."
Manuela Luther

We are so happy: Our first edition is DELIVERED!!!

Copies with small defects are still there. Just send us a mail if you are interested.

• The new card set for all senses •


. offer you orientation. The accompanying texts on the back of the cards and loving questions bring you closer to yourself. Come into conversation with your soul and become your best friend.

Affirmatio is a little sensation, because meditations become audible by means of an imprinted QR code. With words and music, you are guided into a state of relaxation that facilitates the encounter with your intuition and leads to new insights.

The affirmations are virtually brought to life through the pictorial translation of the illustrations and your own inner imagery is thus stimulated.

The cards are based on watercolours by the artist Fiona Brett-Blything. Her motifs are influenced by mysticism and archetypal images. The choice of colours is powerful and intense – an invitation to your soul to open up.

Each of the 52 cards is unique and was lovingly designed by the union of four artists in spiritual agreement.

Affirmatio was produced in sunny Italy and perfectly combines ecological standards and traditional craftsmanship.

Let yourself be inspired ...

... and choose a card

• Come into conversation with your soul •


… does not prescribe right or wrong, but asks questions to which you find your own answers. Each of us has to bring our life to fulfilment in our own way. How will you do it?

Affirmatio gives you a bird’s eye view of your life. Previously hidden paths are revealed and with them possible new solutions.

How about an adventure journey to yourself? You have nothing to lose, only yourself to gain.

• What our customers say * •

Affirmatio love

* We check our reviews and only publish them when we are sure that Affirmatio has actually been purchased through us.

Suggestions for Affirmatio

What are affirmations?

• How it all began •

About us

When we talk about ourselves, we like to call ourselves a soul family. We found each other through our work on Affirmatio. From the very beginning, our agreement was great, even though we were just getting to know each other as a team. The joy of working together and the constantly mutually inspiring creativity have enriched us greatly and allowed something special to emerge.
Affirmatio wir über uns