We are ...

... the family of Affirmatio

Her motto:

"It depends on what we focus our attention on. We can make ourselves happy or unhappy, the effort is the same."


No one is an island

I love hugs, with arms and heart, and encounters where people feel connected. Affirmatio is also an embrace – with words, colours, shapes, sound and love and understanding.

The idea for Affirmatio

… was to develop a set of cards with which people can learn about themselves in a playful way. They can now use Affirmatio at home – alone or with friends – to gain valuable experience and develop new perspectives.

I would be happy if everyone who picks up Affirmatio felt a sense of joy – as if they were meeting their best friend. And actually it is, because through Affirmatio you have an appointment with yourself. Affirmatio does not impart dogmatic teachings, but asks questions to which everyone must find their own answers. Everyone can determine the pace and depth of their own development and enjoy the process from the heart.

Manuela Luther is trained in the philosophy of Louise Hay and is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy in Berlin. She had the idea for Affirmatio, wrote all the texts and meditations (also lent her voice to them) and designed the website.

❉ Manuela Luther is trained in the philosophy of Louise Hay and is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy in Berlin. She came up with the idea for Affirmatio, wrote all the texts and meditations (and also lent her voice to them) and designed the website.


The world of fantasy ...

… has always fascinated me, just like the world around me. I believe that we only need to reach out to access the magic and wonder that can be found in everyday life.

About Affirmatio

Affirmatio aims to help you understand and accept your feelings more fully, which leads to a happier, more integrated and fulfilling life.

Manu’s idea for Affirmiato excited us all and took us on an inspiring journey. Working together and engaging with the content made us very happy ourselves. We are happy when all the love becomes tangible and you find inspiration for your life.

❉ Fiona Brett-Blything is an artist living in Great Britain. For Affirmatio she provided a large number of her watercolours, designed the backs to match the colour motif of the cards and painted the portraits of the Affirmatio family.

❉ Fiona Brett-Blything is an artist and lives in Great Britain. She provided Affirmatio with a large number of her watercolours, designed the backs of the cards to match the colour motif of the front, and painted the portraits of the Affirmatio family.

Her motto:

"What are you planning to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Her motto:

"We need to be the change we want to see in the world."


I find it easier to wrap words in poetry

I love growing from challenges,
looking at the world with mindfulness and empathy
and laughing together with my loved ones.

I feel feelings very intensely,
prefer to process them creatively,
paint, write and live intuitively.

Understanding myself helps me,
in the scent of the forest, past mountains,
connected with nature I feel free.

What Affirmatio can move

… I felt inside myself,
beliefs led me through a sea of feelings.
I painted associatively what touched the affirmation in me
and collaged the drawings with Fiona’s works.

I have questioned and reflected on old beliefs,
understood myself more and defined my values
and integrated affirmations that are important for me into my life.

❉ Leah Richter-Reichhelm is a graphic designer and illustrator from Berlin. She translated the affirmations into images, illustrated the cards, designed the packaging and the accompanying booklet for Affirmatio and the images for the website.

❉ Leah Richter-Reichhelm is a graphic designer and illustrator from Berlin. She visualised the affirmations, illustrated the cards, designed the packaging and the accompanying booklet for Affirmatio and the images for the website.


My life is music

I love to release emotions in myself and others through sound and have been able to experience the healing power of music again and again. In the various musical styles in which I move musically, all feelings have their place: the greatest joy of life, the deepest sadness, despair, hope and love. When I listen to music or make music, I can experience the direct connection to my inner self. A world without sound, without music, would be unthinkable for me.

About Affirmatio

Manu and I have had countless wonderful conversations about life, the power of our thoughts, our inner selves, our desires, creativity and inner peace, which have always brought us both to new thoughts and, above all, to new paths in life.

Affirmatio is like a continuation of all these conversations for me. I can always be inspired by the profound questions and the beautiful, inspired and inspiring images of the cards.

I am especially grateful for the deep connection and love for Leah, my daughter. Manu, Leah and Fiona coming together feels like a long appointment for me that can finally come to fruition. I am very grateful to be a small part of this great project.

❉ Mathis Richter-Reichhelm is an extremely versatile musician, music producer and composer in Berlin. He composed the accompanying music for the meditations, recorded it with Manu in his recording studio and took over the complete production.

❉ Mathis Richter-Reichhelm is an extremely multitalented musician, music producer and composer in Berlin. He composed the background music for the meditations, recorded them with Manu in his studio and took charge of the entire production.

His motto:

"If it is good for you and all other living beings on this planet, then you know you are doing the right thing."